Recently an acquaintance of mine inquired about the differences between the P-Bandai MG Banshee and MG Banshee Final Battle Ver. When my answer of "nothing" failed to suffice I promised a picture show to validate my somber confession. If you number amongst the curious click the break and dive into a bit of deja vu!
Upon opening either box, you'll be treated to identical boxes containing identical manuals. Inside those manuals you'll find identical construction steps printed in identical ways probably on identical days.
Continuing on, our identical pages give way to identical plastic bags containing identical runners!
As you can see both of these bags are identical, did you know identical means the same?!
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Love that burst effect part! |
Interstingly though identical the gold bits actually look a bit better in real life, whilst the green bits photo better.
Looking at this picture you'd be forgiven for thinking the waterslides are also identical, however that's not the quite the case. While they may look the same, the green ones are quite a bit stronger easily able to avoid being blown from the table by a personal fan set to high!
Snarkiness aside, those are some right sexy Psycho Frame bits, even if they are identical, oops...
I'm going to say it openly, I've no idea what the sticker sheet is for. Something else I'm going to admit, I could've looked through the manual but didn't feel like it. Wanna know something else? That sticker sheet is totally unique, the gold frame does not have it.
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I'm special! I'm an individual! |
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