Saturday, February 21, 2015

To Be Feared Indeed

While there a many Gunpla that a modeller can build and appreciate straight away, there are many that cannot be and the FAZZ is one of those kits that shines when treated with love. Modeler Kamm has done just this with this Master Grade FAZZ dubbed "The Feared One". 

I'm sure I've mentioned it before but purple man, I love that color. I also love that wicked looking axe. All images are courtesy of Gundam Model Kits Collection and can be viewed here.

GSA - Gunpla Service Announcement

 I spend a good amount of time searching for Gundam Model kits both online and in brick and mortar stores and a common theme is ridiculous pricing. Every time I see an absurdly priced Gunpla I'm reminded of how ignorant I was to value when I first embarked on the hobby. Now that I'm more experienced and more knowledgeable about the resources available to me I regularly avoid insane mark ups, however I know that's not the case for everyone. Whilst perusing Gundam Model Kits Collection, I came across this old but still relevant article. If you've ever wondered about Gunpla prices this is a great read and valuable tool that paired with a currency converter can save you boatloads of money.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Some Love for Ryu Jose

Don't see very many of these as I wander across the internets taking in various Gundam and non-Gundam related sites. However, while the design of the GunCannon has never really inspired I won't let that stop me from giving love to top flight modeling skills.

All images courtesy of Master File and Onesoul. Additionally pretties after the break

The Smoke is Real!

Here we have more Master File badassery, from modeler Yamakichi we have this masterful MG Dual Gundam - love those colors. The smoke effects are awesome, while I see a lot of custom and painted builds I don't often see effect details like those.

First thing I thought upon seeing the beam sabers was, how would they look with clear orange paint? My blind optimism thinks the answer would be freakin' awesome! Guess I'll have to wait until my Duel arrives from HLJ and my other Gundam projects are resolved.

All images courtesy of Gundam Guy and Master File.

Gundam's Come in Bunches (Apparently)

Wasn't long ago that Unicorn and Banshee were crowding my view, well that time is over it is now the season of the Astray. Fortunately the many versions of the Gundam Astray have all been stellar pieces and this MG by Kusganie is no exception.

Images courtesy of Gundam Guy and Master File

Monday, February 16, 2015

Shh Don't Talk

The YouTube channel GundamInfo has posted  the opening seven minutes of Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin I - Blue-Eyed Casval. Having taken in the splendor I'd like to take a moment to share my immediate thoughts. Any interested parties should hit the break for my full musings.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Banshee and the Amazing Technicolor Paintcoat

Seems everywhere I look either the Unicorn or it's sibling suit the Banshee are plucking my attention from it's casual wanderings. While I'm hardly a fan of the Unicorns candy cane color scheme - the white/green combo's another matter entirely - I've always loved the color combination of the Banshee. But what happens when someone alters that scheme?

This Banshee turned kaleidoscope answers that question emphatically. Honestly a paint job this fabulous doesn't need many words so I'll just credit the sources and shut up. Props to G-Farmer for pulling off some serious metallic coating and shout out to Gundam Family for sharing this with the world.

Better With Ninjas

Much like Pirates all things are made better with the inclusion of Ninjas, Gundam included. I defy you dear readers to gaze upon this Gold Frame and not see the awesome! Just go ahead I'll wait... See told you you couldn't do it.

This Gunpla modeled by Miniamp123 has been dubbed the "Astray Gold Frame Ninja Version" but I'm going to call it Konoha Gold Frame because much like the Shinobi from Naruto, this mobile suit don't give no damns about concealment (Ninjas were masters of camouflage).

Jokes aside this fantastic build highlights one of my favorite aspects of the Astray line, versatility. Parts swappable across Blue and Red frame mean anyone can easily kit bash one of their own and the nature of the design makes it easy to create some really awesome color combinations by changing the color of the armor, frame or both! Those of you interested in seeing the full gallery should head over to Gundam Guy post haste.