Thursday, March 5, 2015

Alright I'm Joining the Dark Side

Back when Gundam Build Fighters was nearing the end of it's run the Exia Dark Matter made it's appearance and I found myself quite underwhelmed (by the design not the action). Then the first prototypes surfaced and I became slightly interested. Then the colored version surfaced and I raised an eyebrow (the left one) slightly.

Over the weeks leading up to the release of this kit folks like Gundam Guy have bombarded my eye-holes with images and gradually caused my interest to percolate more severely. Well folks, thanks to Syd at HobbyLink TV I'm all! Straight up this thing is bad@ss! It looks menacing and strangely heavy, which is appropriate since the kit is loaded with sharp pointy weapons! Of course you don't have to take my word for it, have a look at the shiny video below and become a believer.

So yeah I'll soon be buying yet another kit I don't have the time to build, oh well Dark Matter will have plenty of company in the Gundam closet while it waits for me to complete my Geara Doga painted build. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kawaii! Pt.2

While most SD/BB kits elicit little more than a "meh" from this blogger, there's something about those kits with the extra big heads that speaks to me. I'm reminded of children who decided their Halloween costume was semi-regular attire, those kids who wore their Superman, Football player or Cowboy costumes as often and as long as possible. This big-headed Guncannon has all the charms of a costumed child lost in backyard glory and mischief! Shout out to Ymsc66 and Modelers-g for triggering some nostalgia!


While my Master Grade Sazabi is unquestionably my most enjoyed build to date, many of you may be surprised to learn that my MG GN-X was my second most enjoyed build. It was also the first MG kit I painted and the only kit I lust to paint a second time. While the 00 anime consigned the GN-X to the role of punching bag, I simply love this model kit, as it is a blank canvas simply begging to have it's drab grey paint job spruced up by a custom paint job. Apparently Danny de Ocampo thought the same and posted these lovely pics of his multi-colored grunt suit on Gundam Kits Collection.

More Grunt suits please!

As is my want I've posted but a few pictures, so click the link above to check out the full gallery. Till next post peeps!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sometimes I Worry About Japan

Perhaps I'm missing something but isn't Fumina Hoshino a high-school aged student, under the care of her mother and still harboring childish crushes? She is right? I knew it! Surely I am not the only one who finds it odd that this PVC statue of high school aged Fumina features a more seductive pose than that of old enough to be married with kid, Rinko Iori?


I rather like this statue.

Megahouse is on one here. I mean wouldn't it be infinitely more appropriate for the sexy mother of one to be thrusting forth her lady bits, while the child observes the more chaste pose? Oh and for those wondering if this post is sarcasm, no. No it is not.

The full Gundam Guy galleries can be found here and here. Also here's a bikini shot of the lady Iori to help wash the pedophilia from your eyes.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Early Returns Are...

Very good in my humble opinion. Thanks to Gundam Guy we now know what Master Grade Hyaku Shiki ver. 2.0 is going to look like on our collective shelves. I'm simply loving this color choice! While the gold of the original Hyaku Shiki was lovely, it was also a bit too flamboyant and its magnetic attraction to finger prints quickly ruined it's luminscence. Meanwhile the Ballute System version was a spoiled mustard eye-sore. Here Bandai has found a successful middle-ground and remedied both of these shortcomings by adorning this version of Quattro Bajeena's Mobile Suit with a lovely soft gold that should prove finger print resistant.

Read more.