Friday, February 13, 2015

Ask and Ye Shall Receive!

It seems Karma has heard me and granted my wish! The master modeler hath returned with a Banshee Variant (BV) of his four legged Unicorn. Where the original kit was a frightening plastic beauty monster, the BV sports a more sombre look. Of course that could be my recollection of the last two Unicorn episodes coloring my opinion, but since they're my feelings I'm gonna own em!

Okay when I see the BV's naked frame somber isn't the word that comes to mind. That glistending gold frame is actually pretty freaky, gorgeous but freaky. Even still having this on my shelf wouldn't leave me wondering if toys only come to life in my imagination.  You can see the Unicorn that confuses my emotions here. If you wish to be further dazzled by this gold gilded Gundam visit Gundam Kits Collection for the full gallery. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tis a Lady!

In the sea of Sazabis, Sinanjus, Unicorns and Quant[T]s the Nobell Gundam is amongst the rarest sights indeed, but it appears at least one modeler is angling to change that.  

Modeller Riru has done some wonderful things with this HG kit. While the angel wings of Wing Gundam are often misplaced on other kits, they are a good fit for this kit, mostly due to the natural angles of the Nobell. The soft pink simultaneous plays up the both the femininity of the kit and lends it an angelic presence, while the hints of red remind us that this is indeed a dangerous piece of machinery. One complaint I do have is with the legs or rather the armor parts attached to the knees. The addition of these pieces detract from the slender elegance of the Nobell and adds an unwanted bulkiness to the kit. That said I still love what was done here and praise the efforts of Riru. If any of you intrepid blog readers have a lady Gunpla to flaunt we welcome your submission on GunplAfrica.

Images courtesy of Gundam Kits Collection

Beast Mode Activated

No this isn't a post about Seattle Seahawks Running Back Marshawn Lynch, rather it's about a frightening piece of craftsmanship.

Modeler Karma has smushed together a number of kits and flexed his scratch building muscles to create this winged mobile suit. Despite how awesome this model is I can honestly say it freaks me out a bit, it seems like something out of a Puppet Master Re-Boot.

Were I in possession of any scratch building skills of my own, I'd try this with a Banshee but I don't so I won't (yet). Instead I'll just head back over to Gundam Kits Collection and ogle more images.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Guntank Reborn

Ah Guntank, you lovable, impractical weapon of war. You've always been more cute than menacing but with the arrival of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin you've finally been given a design worthy of a giant tank with cannons everywhere.

While the Guntank from the original series looked like something that would stop short of crushing a lilly on it's way back from the fridge with your cool glass of lemonade, the rebooted tank looks as though it'd crush everything at a monster truck rally including the stadium. Initially I took notice of the redesign whilst reading volume one of the Origin manga, but it wasn't until images of the model kit started circulating that I was truly drawn in.

Look at that thing there, even awash in shades of grey it looks awesome. So awesome in fact that I mistook it for a MG - it's an HG - but I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it's just a handy bit of professional modeling by Bandai and you're probably right, even still the resin prototype is also plastic awesome!

Despite my preference for Master Grade's I fully expect to have this kit in my possession as soon as possible, I like the redesign that much, plus I expect it'll be pretty cheap as well. Hopefully this better version of the Guntank will get a MG release, in which case I'll probably be compelled to also purchase the original Guntank for a side-by-side. Enough from me what say you readers, what do you think of the Guntank Early Type (Tentative Name)?

Images courtesy of Gundam Wiki and Gundam Guy

Custom Build Spotlight

I honestly can't tell you where the majority of the components in this lovely custom built 1/100 ZGMF-X89S Dust Gaia Gundam were appropriated from, what I can tell you is that I love the color scheme. Sky Moo of Gundam Family really knocked it out of the park on this kit, although in fairness he/she usually does.

If it tickles your fancy to do so, head over to Gundam Family and have a gander at the full gallery. 

HG Try Burning Gundam

So far I'm mostly enjoying Gundam Build Fighters Try, though not nearly as much as the previous Gundam Build Fighters series, but enough to anticipate the new episodes which air every Wednesday on Youtube. That said I've been largely unimpressed by most of the Gunpla in this show. While I understand the Build Fighters franchise largely exists for the same reasons Transformers existed in the days before it became Michael Bay explosion-fests (I can't that's too subtle I dislike the Transformers films), it still seems weird that there would be so few interesting Gundam design and few if any would belong to the heroes.

A bit of housekeeping before we go any further, this is not a review of the model kit which I do not own. Rather it is the inspired opinion of the design based on internet pictures, which continues after the break.