Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Red's the new Meh...

Thanks to Gundam Guy blog - love those guys/gals/robots/space aliens - the Gunpla-sphere now knows Bandai will be blessing us with a new Master Grade from the extremely rare Build Fighters line (sarcasm). All chiding aside I'm not against BF kits, but I am against underwhelming kits and based on the images presented to the world the Amazing Red Warrior is angling to be a major disappointment. Seriously have a look at that pose and tell me this kit isn't asking, "well whaddya want from me?"

My what small feet you have? The better to float here confusedly my dear!

Looking over this kit a couple of things immediately jump out at me, 1) why isn't this kit in any standing poses and 2) is this really the same company that produced the wondrous Sazabi Ver Ka? Those feet seem disproportionately small and I can't help but wonder if they'll be up to the challenge of supporting interesting action poses?

Regarding that color separation, I'm hoping the lights at Shazuka are to blame for what can only be described as an unimpressive color scheme. You see a suit such as the Amazing Red Warrior, comprised of geometric shapes cannot survive being painted in one solid color unless those colors reduce the impact of it's rectangular form - think black, white or pink. The reason why the red of the Sinanju works is because of the various curves that create natural shadows and contrast. This particular kit needs a Sazabi Ver Ka style paint job, a tomato red complemented by a strategically placed burgundy or wine, in the above image it looks like that may be the case but one cannot be sure just yet.

One final complaint that has nothing at all to do with the look of the suit itself, but probably speaks more to the popularity of a largely unimpressive show, is of all the designs in your stable dear Bandai why in the hell is it the Red Warrior? Why not a Rozen Zula, Gerbera Tetra, Gundam Kyrios, Gundam Virtue, Leo, Taurus, Jegan, Bawoo, Juaggu, Palace Athene, hell even Ms. Sazabi would've made for a more interesting release? Is this suit really that popular in Asia? Somebody tell me I genuinely want to know.

Before I go let me just say this, I've seen enough HG's done up in various magazines to know that this kit can shine in the right hands, my problem lies with the potential that modelers will be required to bring out the shine which is not the Master Grade way. In any case this kit will still - in some far flung future - find it's way into my collection, maybe by then I'll understand why the Meijin chose this kit over the far superior Amazing versions of the Zaku, Kampfer and Exia?

eL Out

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Double X Orchid Divider

Halt and bask in my glory fiend!

Back when GunplAfrica came quietly screaming into the world one of the first posts was a custom kit from modeler Chris Mitchell - which you can see here. Now he hath returned to us with a lovely custom MG Gundam X. For those of you with an appreciation for beauty there are an abundance of pictures for your eyes and some words from the modeler that can be read by clicking the jump.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sinanju Revisited

With the Type C reviewed and MG Geara Doga not eligible for painting until the sun comes back up, now seems like the perfect time to clean up Sinanju Ver. Decal err Ver Ka. Jokes aside. Built waaay back in the days when I thought nub marks were okay (last year). The Sinaju is plagued with unsightly blemishes.

As you can see in the early days of my building life, I completely neglected proper nub trimming etiquette and instead engaged in haphazard trimming. Little did I know that in less than a years time I'd be thoroughly disgusted by the sight of nub marks. Admittedly some of these marks look rather grotesque and may prove impossible impossible to clean up through sanding alone, if so this Ver Ka will probably experience a change of color - I'd always wanted to custom paint a Sinanju. Well that's enough rambling its off to work with this guy. 

Eye Spy the Fourth

Eye Spy peers at... Master Chief errr. Master Grade RGM-79C GM Type C!

Cheers for: 

  • Inadvertantly unique color scheme
  • Excellent details
  • Waterslide decals
  • Cool accessories

Jeers for: 

  • Blocky feet
  • Limited poseability
Details in the form of praises and criticisms can be found after the break.

Eye Spy the Third

Eye Spy peers at... Tomato Samurai errr... Master Grade Marasai

Cheers for:

  • Awesome Samurai reminiscent design.
  • Sweet poseability
  • Vibrant colors

Jeers for:

  • Over-sized Bell Bottoms
  • Boring weapons
  • Missing accessories

Details in the form of praise and criticisms can be found after the break.