Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Painted GN-X

Completed my first painted build last week, MG GN-X painted up and ready to go! Although I say completed a few unpainted parts remain and the kit needs a gloss top coat. As I write this I'm feeling a bit sloppy/inconsiderate for not taking WIP pics. I'm also reminded that I was supper eager to set about painting my first Master Grade - had no idea it'd be so much fun! Going forward I'm going to post WIP pics and explain my system for painting, as far as I know my process differs a good deal from most builder's.

So enough about me and my feels (for now), this kit was painted in its entirety with Tamiya Color spray paints. One side note before I get into the details, paint costs add up very quickly. When I began painting kits I thought I'd only be doing custom schemes, after placing the painted GN-X besides my unpainted kits the difference paint makes is obvious. So much so that I'll probably be painting all my kits going forward, even if the colors remain cannon. What this means is I'll soon be resetting my learning curve as I begin the way of the airbrush. Okay now back to the actual paint!

A base coat of Metallic Black was applied as a base coat to everything, with the exception of the bright parts and the purple plastic parts. After that the armor parts were coated in Dark Blue, most parts required no more than 2-3 layers although a few troublesome parts needed 4-5. Despite this I am pleased to say I achieved the desired results, I wanted the kit to look really dark in low light but pop in bright or natural light and that's largely what it does.

Originally I intended to paint the brighter parts more of an reddish orange, however when I got to the local hobby shop and saw the Flourescent Red can I was immediately captivated by it. Unlike with the frame and armor the parts painted in Flouresent Red - save the part sandwiched by the hand parts - didn't receive a base coat. This was a bit of a mistake because the lighter colors of the plastic made my Flourescent Red more of a pink, nonetheless I still like what I've created and consider it a pleasant surprise.

The weapons still require painting and probably won't be done for another week at least, as I'm currently wrestling with a cold for control of my nose, throat and lungs. Truthfully it'll probably be even longer than that before this model is completed for a variety of reasons, the weapons aren't really much of a priority to me as I've got something in the works with Sengok Astray that I'm dying to finish and HLJ will probably have sent my Master Grade Kampferwhich I've also got plans for before I complete the weapons. 

In closing I really enjoyed this build, so much so that I'm already dreaming up another GN-X project. Things weren't entirely perfect I broke a part and had half of one leg experience a bubble plague but it was loads of fun watching the design come together. I'm sure when I finally prioritize the painting of the weapons - and free myself from the grips of this cold - I'll be even more pleased. Before I go I've added pictures of the unpainted weapon parts - with a glimpse at my organization system -  and a picture of my initial inspiration for this project. Till next time!

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